For nearly three decades, the principals of International Thought Leader Network (ITLN) have worked on the forefront of organizational advancement in collaboration with the world’s most distinguished thought leaders to deliver big ideas and best practices to a global workforce.
ITLN has designed, developed, and delivered enterprise level training and implementation solutions for the world’s most sought after thought leaders including Harvard’s John Kotter, Shawn Achor, and Vijay Govindarajan, founding director of Tuck’s Center for Global Leadership.
ITLN, in exclusive partnership with Shawn Achor, assists organizations around the world in bringing happiness research to life at work and in education…through research partnerships, training and large-scale interventions.
The Happiness Advantage │ Orange Frog Workshop™
and its accompanying parable by Shawn Achor, The Orange Frog, are designed to deliver key lessons about the happiness advantage, serve as a rallying language for teams, organizations and individuals to embrace the principles and provide the foundation for sustained positive behavioral change linked to core work routines and best culture practices, supporting desired business results and educational outcomes.
The Other Side of Innovation
and its accompanying parable by Chris Trimble and VG Govindarajan, How Stella Saved The Farm, provide the essential framework for hardest part of innovation; execution and implementation. The Leading Innovation workshop is designed to help leaders, teams and individuals across the organization effectively execute three models for innovation.